Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Wind, Water, Stone BY OCTAVIO PAZ

Wind, Water, Stone

for Roger Caillois
Water hollows stone,
wind scatters water,
stone stops the wind.
Water, wind, stone.
Wind carves stone,
stone's a cup of water,
water escapes and is wind.
Stone, wind, water.
Wind sings in its whirling,
water murmurs going by,
unmoving stone keeps still.
Wind, water, stone.
Each is another and no other:
crossing and vanishing
through their empty names:
water, stone, wind.

Octavio Paz, is Mexican poet, diplomat and writer
Born: in March 31 1914 Mexico City
Died: April  19, 1998
He was one of the greatest Hispanic poets of all time in 20th century

The speaker feels relaxed and really calm he doesn't seem like he’s stress or being pressured. The voice behind the poem of the speaker is not really the poet,but gives you an idea how the speaker feel or is.

The image I see is water flowing through some stones ; “water escapes and is wind” you can see and imagine what it looks like. While listening to the relaxing sound of the water flowing makes you feel and hear “wind sings in its whirling".
The figurative language is personification because “stone stops the wind” as in like a person stopping the wind. It relates to the movement the wind makes and the sound. Its talks about how the “water tries to escape” relating to the figurative language which is personification which he poem is all about the water and wind moving and how its sounds like.   

The tone of this poem is delightful and playful because the way it talks about the movement of water. The feeling of the wind and how it flows down the stones creates the tone of this poem. The tone is also a very peaceful tone to the poem.
The theme is how people try to stop other people from doing things while them trying to escape from those who try to stop them. This poem is how stones, water and wind are trying to be like a person and taking action like one. Stones try to stop the movement of wind like if it was a person and water tries to escape through the wind if it was trying to hide. Just like how a person running away from those who try to stop them.


  1. The poem that Erica chose is beautiful. Her opinion on how the imagery of the poem effects the tone and sound of the poem I completely agree with. She talks of personification is the way that the elements move because of the quote saying that the stone stops wind although stone never actually stops wind. She says the poem's tone is peaceful and I also agree with that. When I'm reading the poem, I feel very calm and at one with the nature being described in the poem.

  2. Erica's poem could go many ways which makes it very interesting. Her theme is very relatable to the real world. Her explanation of tone was just what I had in mind. I enjoyed reading it:)

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  4. I agree that the wind, water ,and stone are part of life. Each affects the persons life in a different way. They are like the id, ego, and superego who help you decide your decisions. The poem seems relaxed and as if he speaker is currently pleased with the decisions they have made. The decisions we make can bring joy to our lives. The wind, water, and stone are doing that for the speaker. All the decisions we make affect one another just like the objects interact within the poem, and just like the id, ego, and superego interacts with the mind.

  5. This poem is really relaxing in a slow, harmless tempo. The Poet uses nature and describes it in such a beautiful and calm tone that catches you off surprise when you realize Octavio is a dictator. I agree with Erica that the poem provides beautiful imagery such as "water escapes and is wind" that creates a relaxing tone. Erica's examination that "stone stops the wind" shows personification is spot on. The tone of this poem is absolutely peaceful that makes you take a step back and appreciate nature. This poem allows you to interpret and take a closer look to your surroundings despite everything negative in your life. The poet uses water, stone, and wind to relate all of the peaceful, organized aspects of nature.

  6. I have no idea what this poem about, but one figurative language i found is "Wind sings in its whirling,". I think this is personification because winds can't sings. I think the words the poet uses i agree that the speaker is very relaxed. I think the tone is also mindful because he is seeing all different view. I think you did really good job on the tone.


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