Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Don’t Go Far Off - Pablo Neruda

Facts About Pablo Neruda;
  • (1904-1973)
  • He’s from a town in Chile called Parral
  • His father was an employee of a railway, and his mom was a teacher but shortly died after Pablo’s birth.
  • Elected senator of the Republic in 1945
  • Lived in any European countries returned home in 1952


In the poem Don’t Go Far Off  the speaker does not want his lover to leave him, or to go off very far because he might lose them. The speaker is in a way to devoted to his lover and that is making him weak, too attached to his significant other.


“When the trains are parked somewhere else, asleep”
You can see how the trains are parked and resting in a station full of trains. It's referring to speaker waiting for its love one like a empty train station waiting for trains that are parked somewhere else.
"Then the little drops of anguish will run all together."
You can feel drops of anguish like when you're worried or stressed and you sweat or are crying. The speaker gets anguish when he's been left alone by his lover for to long.

Figurative Language:

"Choking my lost heart"
The quote is personification, saying that the heart is choking. Giving the heart the humanly ability to choke. It's an important concept to the poem because it's the feeling the heart gets when his lover has left him.
"I'll wander mazily over all the earth,"
The quote written above is metaphorically comparing the earth to the maze. It's an important quote to the text because he's saying he'd go around the world asking if she'd ever come back or is she leaving him for ever.


The poem has a zealous and detaching tone to it. The zealous part is from being so committed to his significant other not wanting to let go and be separated from her. The detaching part is from the letting her go, and her going her separate way from him.


The poem's theme is not being able to accept the fact his lover is going away, and may not come back. He doesn't want to see her go and let her leave him just like that because he loves her but she isn't looking back. He's so committed he's become weak and can't have her just walk off on him, because it may feel like he's loosing the things he cherishes and loves the most.


  1. I agree with your ideas about the tone and theme of the poem. I think that the speaker is extremely committed to his relationship with the subject of the poem, and his longing for her. Because of this, I think that an even better word to use for the tone is "longing". "Longing" encompasses both the speaker's devotion to his/her significant other and their sadness at letting her go.

    I also think that the way that the poem was worded is really significant for the meaning of the poem. The speaker repeats words in a nervous way sometimes, or expresses that he is unsure of himself. For example, in the first stanza: "Because -- Because -- I don't know how to say it." This sort of vocal imperfection emphasizes the speaker's devotion to the subject of the poem; he is so nervous that she will leave him that he can't talk properly. It makes the speaker seem more human, in a way.

  2. I agree with you, what I understood from this poem was that the speaker is so afraid of losing the only thing that can cherish his happiness. The speaker is so overly in love that he is so scared and afraid to basically lose his happiness. He is so scared that he is second guessing himself, he keeps asking if she leaves will she ever come back. The speaker acts as if the person he is afraid of losing holds the key to his life. If he loses the person he is in love with, he basically loses his life. This poem was very well SIFTTed and I understood what you were trying to say.

  3. I really like the poem you chose and i agree with tone and theme of the poem and what i understood about it is that the the person doesn't want the person he loves to go away because he loves her and then he will be lost without her and that he needs her in his life.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I agree with your interpretation of who the speaker is. The author does not reveal the sex of the speaker, but he reveals that the speaker is missing his/her lover. I agree with your interpretation of the quote "Choking my lost heart." Although the heart is a part of the human body, it can not be choked, you can choke somebody by the neck but not by the heart. It is comparing the heart to the ability of choking a human. Therefore, your interpretation for this quote is valid. Overall, your theme, tone, figurative language, imagery, and speaker sections were well formulated accordingly to the poem.

  6. I really like this poem and i think one imagery i found is "empty station". I think this show how the speaker will be lost and lonely with out her. I agree with your theme in which they have to accept the fact the loved one is gone and also i feel like the speaker is scared to give up and keep attached to the fact maybe they will be back. I wonder if the poet lost someone in really life.

  7. I really like this poem and i think one imagery i found is "empty station". I think this show how the speaker will be lost and lonely with out her. I agree with your theme in which they have to accept the fact the loved one is gone and also i feel like the speaker is scared to give up and keep attached to the fact maybe they will be back. I wonder if the poet lost someone in really life.

  8. I'm in love with his poem. The way the poet uses similes and metaphors such as,"then the little drops of anguish will all run together..." connects me to the poem and to what the author is really feeling deep in his heart. I also think you are spot on with the theme. When I read the poem I had a feeling that the author is nervous about what he will become when his lover leaves him. He believes there will nothing left when she leaves. He also knows that she will have to leave at some point and is terrified. This blog post is really good at describing the connection between the poets metaphors (and similes) and his inner feelings!


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