Thursday, March 24, 2016

For my  project I did the following poem : The Beggar

By gates of an abode, blessed,
A man stood, asking for donation,
A beggar, cruelly oppressed
By hunger, thirst and deprivation.

He asked just for a piece of bread,
And all his looks were full of anguish,
And was a cold stone laid
Into his stretched arm, thin and languished.

Thus I prayed vainly for your love,
With bitter tears, pine and fervor,
Thus my best senses, that have thrived,
Were victimized by you forever!

Biographical Information:

  • Russian Romantic writer, poet and painter, sometimes called "the poet of the Caucasus", the most important Russian poet after Alexander Pushkin's death in 1837 and the greatest figure in Russian.
  • Born October 15, 1814 in & Died July 27, 19841 at the age of 26
  • The cause of his death was a gunshot from Nikolai Martynov
  • In Russian poetry there were many names but, Lermontov and Pushkin were bigger than life itself.
  • His real name is Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov

Speaker:The Speaker of the poem is a first person who explains the bitterness of man who is looking for some type of happiness.

Imagery-”And all his looks were full of anguish” I think the reader mentions this in the poem after all you can see the man pain. “He asked just for a piece of bread” The man only wanted a piece of bread that's all he asked for he was starving, sad and helpless.

Figurative Language- And all his looks were full of anguish(metaphor) Into his stretched arm, thin and languished(metaphor).

Tone- I feel that this poem tone is downhearted in the poem it states a homeless man, who lives by asking for money or food. The man seems to be suffering with emptiness of food in his system, looking wear down suffering because of something.

Theme- The message of this poem is to realize when you see a person experiencing hurt try to help them. If they look like there suffering from physical pain all you can do is pray for the unsuccessful existence.

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