Wednesday, March 23, 2016

I long for him

By:Ono no Komachi 

I would meet him 

But there's no way, 

so on this moonless night

From my yearning the embers of my love

Send sparks leaping in my breast,

Setting my heart aflame 

Speaker: In the poem the speaker is  in first person .It is a young woman expressing her feelings about a guy who  she wish to meet but didn't have the chance to .

Imagery :

“Setting my heart aflame”This show a young woman who may have a heart burn about feeling she has inside her about a situation.“so on this moonless nightIn the night sky there is no moon the sky is dark just like her heart is .

Figurative language :  

“ But there's no way, so on this moonless night” In this metaphor the young woman is depressed which see doesn't see a moon in the night sky . “Send sparks leaping in my breast” In this metaphor there is a situation where sparks are being to as a sign of  pain that is hurting her heart .


The poem tone is sad and regretful the young lady is regretting about speak to the  guy she love and now she haven't open up her mouth to tell the guy about the way she about him and he is gone with another girl


The theme in the poem is being regretful and wanting an go back in time for another chance. 

How sad
By:Ono komachi 

How sad,

to think I will end 

as only

a pale green mist 

drifting the far fields.

Speaker : 

In this poem the speaker in is first is a person who is thinking about death  and when she dies she i will turn back into mist(dirt)

Imagery :   

“a pale green mist”A person is think how his/her body would be pale after they had die .“to think I will end’A person who is think how his/her life would end and what would be the cause if it . 

Figurative language :

“a pale green mist”In this quote it shows simile comparing a pale to a green mist“drifting the far fields.”In this quote is show metaphor a person is near to death dying .


The tone in the poem is sad and depressing because of the talk about death.


being close to death a

Facts about Ono no komachi
  • Ono no komachi  also numbered as one of the Thirty-six Poetry Immortals
  • Ono no Komachi is a symbol of a beautiful woman in Japan
  • Ono no Komachi is today a synonym for feminine beauty in Japan.
  • Ono no komachi was probably born between 820 and 830
  • Ono no Komachi displayed a rare skill in weaving multiple entendres, metaphors, and emotional intensity into the elegant waka verse form


  1. For your first poem, I agree with what you had to say about speaker of the poem, imagery, figurative language, tone and theme. "I long for him" by Komachi is a sad poem dealing with a male and female. The female is longing for the male character in the poem. For your second poem, I disagree with what your parts of your interpretation. The speaker, I agree, is talking about being scared that she will die AND is worried about how nobody or nothing will care. The speaker feels worried that nobody will give any importance to her death or disappearance. I agree that the tone of this poem is depressing and sad because of the specific words used by the author, like "sad" and "end."

  2. I approve your thoughts with the first poem I do feel like she is remorseful for meeting whoever she wanted to. I also agree with the Figurative Language and the Imagery.Yes indeed Ono no Komachi was known for her unsaual beauty. The second poem I do agree with your explanation on the speaker she is thinking about death and what the outcome will be and I also accept your the Tone of this poem because she does feel painful , sad , and heartbreaking that no one will actually support her death when it occurs.

  3. I read I long for him
    By:Ono no Komachi out of the two poems posted. I thoroughly enjoyed the bluntness of the poem. The figurative language was pretty short but thoroughly expressed the way the speaker longed for him. The imagery in a slight way fell into the figurative language in the poem.And I agree strongly with your thoughts on the theme and tone of the poem.


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