Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Don't Go Far Off by Pablo Neruda

Don't Go Far Off, Pablo Neruda

Biographical information;
1)  Born in Ricardo
2)  Renewed his political activity and begin writing prolifically in 1938
3)  Elected to the Senate and joined the Communist Party in 1943
4) Diagnosed with cancer while serving as ambassador to France
5) His family disapproved of his occupation

The speaker is being direct to the reader, using the word “I”. The speaker is speaking to his / her love one. In Don’t Go Far Off, the speaker is telling his loved one not to leave him alone, not to go far away from him because he will then question is she / he will ever return.

One example of imagery cited in the poem is 
“a day is long and I will be waiting for you, as in an empty station
when the trains are parked off somewhere else, asleep.”
This imagery appeals to be viewed as sight. You can imagine an empty train station, usually dark and maybe a little quiet. The speaker may have decided to use a empty train station as an example of waiting because it’s relatable because the speaker also uses the word “as” which is a comparing word. A empty train station is boring, and lonely just like the speaker's heart when his / her love one is away.

A example of personification that is cited in the poem is
“the smoke that roams looking for a home will drift
into me, choking my lost heart.”
The speaker used the word “roam” because when you think about all the things that “roams looking for a home,” you’ll think about homeless people, and abandoned animals which is saddening. The speaker then goes on about how it will choke his heart, which is implying that the sadness will then suffocate his / her heart hard enough which will leave the speaker heart broken.
A example of a metaphor that is cited in the poem is
"Don't leave me, even for an hour, because
then the little drops of anguish will all run together."
The speaker is comparing drops, supposedly rain drops, and anguish together. When little rain drops come together it forms a puddle. The message the speaker is trying to get across is if his / her loved one leave for even just a hour then the little drops of emotional pain will all gather up and soon become a big puddle of pain.

The tone of Don’t Go Far Off is fearful and weak. The speaker is afraid that his / her loved one will walk of their life and when they leave it’ll damage the speaker, not physically but emotionally. In the poem you can sense that the speaker is feeling weak, they are basically pouring out their heart by asking their loved one not to leave for even just a little bit.

The theme of Don’t Go Far Off is before you walk away, before you leave your loved one make sure y'all are both on the same page because you could mean the world to someone and you would never know. Every thing you do can affect someone in ways you may not understand. Another theme from this poem is don't fall for someone so deeply that if they happen to leave you, then your life is over. It's okay to love, but is it okay to love so much that it can possibly hurt you emotionally and physically to the point where you're left dying alone?

Other Aspect:
In the poem the speaker seems to use the word "don't" repetitively, and don't is a demanding word. It can possibly contribute to the poem by telling their loved ones what to do, as in a way of protecting their self from pain. In each paragraph the speaker changes the time, they go from a day, to a hour, to a blink. That can symbolize fear because it shows that the speaker is afraid that the longer their loved ones is away, then the longer they have time to think about leaving. If they are with the speaker at all times then it won't be that easy to leave.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your theme of being on the same page before you leave your partner. This is because Neruda's use of words that express being together. I think how you analyze of the poem is perfect. This is because of your explanation using Neruda's word choices to explain Neruda's reasoning to support your theme. The tone is defiantly weak and fearful with Neruda's word choice in his poem. I think that Neruda is one of the best poets when it comes to word choice and explaining things.


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