Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Love by Pablo Neruda

Pablo Neruda
  • Born: July 12, 1904
  • Died: September 23, 1973
  • Nationality:Chilean
  • He Also won the nobel prize for literature in 1971.
  • He changed his legally name.
  • He won the international peace prize in 1950.

Speaker: The speaker of the poem is a guy that was in love. He is speaking to the person he use to love. He is talking about the love that he had for the women and how he stopped loving her and he expresses it into hatred.

Imagery: It uses the sense of feel/touch when it says “lost among a thousand mouths that I have kissed.” Which is basically saying  that he has kissed many mouths.

Figurative Language:  In the poem it says “how empty you went through the world like a wheat-colored jar. It’s a simile which is comparing how empty she is to a wheat-colored jar.

Tone: The tone seems a little dark because it seems that the love he had turned into hatred the way he expresses himself into saying “what happened to them” and how he says “What's wrong with you? I look at you and I find nothing in you but two eyes like all eyes, a mouth lost among a thousand mouths that I have kissed,more beautiful.
a body just like those that have slipped beneath my body without leaving any memory.” It seems like he doesn't love her anymore.
Theme:The theme of the poem would be how the love he had turned into hatred and how he stopped loving her because of how he describes her into looking at her eyes and just sees her the same way he see every person. “nothing in you but two eyes like all eyes, a mouth lost among a thousand mouths that i have kissed.”

Non-Siftt:The poem seems to be separated into three parts the first part talks about what happened to him and her and why they got separated. The second it talk about what him asking her what happened to her personally and the third part talks about why did all this happen.


  1. I like your poem choice and the work you put into it. However I do disagree with some of the points made. I feel instead of the speaker expressing hatred, they're telling us about how the love of their life was the one that got away, or a lost cause. The speaker says "a mouth lost among a thousand mouths I've kissed" , I think this means when the love ended the speaker went trying to find new love, in which they couldn't. This poem seems to have deeper meanings than hatred. Maybe one of the tones could be hollow because the speaker is now alone and empty. He/She expresses how this person is still beautiful to them and it seems to be like this is a way of saying "I want you back", instead of "I hate you".

  2. This is a nice intense poem. I agree with you statements as to what the speaker was trying to get across. Your imagery and figurative language was well but you did't state your opinion as to why you think the speaker used that line of imagery and figurative language. For your imagery section, I believe the speaker used "lost among a thousand mouths I have kissed" to tell his / her loved one that her lips, the memory of them kissing is now a non important matter in the speaker life. His / her loved one lips is now a distant memory mixed with all the other lips that the speaker have kissed. I agree and disagree with with your theme statement. Yes, it's about how love changed but I don't think it turned into hatred. I believe the love just vanished and since they are no longer together then all the memories are now gone. The speaker loved one is no longer a loved one, he / she is now just a memory.


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