Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Rafael Alberti

"Rafael Alberti." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 21 Mar. 2016

Search, search for them:
In the insomnia of forgotten conduits
In gutters blocked by the muteness of litter.
Not far from the pools incapable of retaining a cloud,
A lost eye
A broken ring
Or a trampled star.
For I've seen them:
In the rubble momentarily appearing in the mist.
For I've touched them:
In the exile of a defunct brick,
Come to naught from a tower or a cart,
No longer beyond the crumbling chimneys,
Nor the tenacious leaves that stick to shoes.
In all of that.
More in those stray splinters consumed without flame.
In those sunken absences broken furniture endures.
Not far from the names and signs that grow cold on the walls.
Search, search for them:
Beneath the drop of wax that buries the word in the book,
Or the signature on the corner of a letter,
That brings the dust rolling in.
Near the forgotten fragment of a bottle,
The sole of a shoe lost in the snow,
The razor-blade abandoned at the edge of a precipice.

Buscad, buscadlos:
En el insomnio de las cañerías olvidadas,
En los cauces interrumpidos por el silencio de las basuras.
No lejos de los charcos incapaces de guardar una nube,
Unos ojos perdidos,
Una sortija rota
O una estrella pisoteada.
Porque yo los he visto:
En esos escombros momentáneos que aparecen en las neblinas.
Porque yo los he tocado:
En el destierro de un ladrillo difunto,
Venido a la nada desde una torre o un carro.
Nunca más allá de las chimeneas que se derrumban,
Ni de esas hojas tenaces que se estampan en los zapatos.
En todo esto.
Más en esas astillas vagabundas que se consumen sin fuego,
En esas ausencias hundidas que sufren los muebles desvencijados,
No a mucha distancia de los nombres y signos que se enfrían en las paredes.
Buscad, buscadlos:
Debajo de la gota de cera que sepulta la palabra de un libro
O la firma de uno de esos rincones de cartas
Que trae rodando el polvo.
Cerca del casco perdido de una botella,
De una suela extraviada en la nieve,
De una navaja de afeitar abandonada al borde de un precipicio.

Rafael Alberti was born in El Puerto De Santa Maria a municipality in the province of Cadiz which is a province in the autonomous community of Andalusia. He was born on December 16 1902  and would later die in the same community on October 28th 1999.

In 1924 he came up with his first poetry book, ‘Marinero en tierra’ which became a major hit. Not only did it escalate his reputation to national fame, but also won him National Prize for Literature.

In 1931, he became a Marxist/communist because of the Second Spanish Republic

But in 1933, he was exiled after insulting Gil Robles the leader at the time.

In 1977, he returned to Spain after 40 years exile, Where he was appointed into the congress of the Spanish parliament.

A person looking for lost angels probably referring to innocent people. The speaker is asking for the help of other people to find said lost angels. He's asking for the people to look anywhere and everywhere. He seems to be desperate to find them. And he seems to be willing to do whatever is necessary to find them,

Well the fact that he refers to these people as angels is a comparison to a person without sin. The impact on the poem is that you would be more willing to help an angel than youy would to a regular person and it feels like he is trying to emphasize that.

The tone of the poem is desperate. Desperate to find them, And desperate enough to do anything to find them.

His passion is really enticing it makes you want to help him. And the way that he seems to care for them (the angels) says so much about himself. His passion is not very uncommon in the area where he was brought up. Being from Spain gives him a certain type of attitude that has passion. But also being from Andalusia, one of the most passionate and beautiful communities in the Mediterranean also makes him more inclined.

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