Wednesday, March 23, 2016

It's Good To Feel You Are Close To Me -Pablo Neruda

Pablo Neruda:
  • 1904-1973
  • Pablo Neruda was born Ricardo Eliecer Neftali Reyes Basoalto.
  • Pablo was born in a Chilean town called Parral.
  • Neruda joined the Communist Party of Chile in 1945.
  • Neruda was exiled from Chile when the Communist Party he belonged to was seized.

The speaker of this poem is speaking in first person. The speaker is talking about how in love he/she is, and how thankful the person is to be close to their lover. He can let go of all his worries; he just enjoys himself because when they wake up he knows that he will wake up beside her.  

“It’s good to feel that you are close to me in the night”
The speaker can feel his lover close to him. He needs to feel her close in order to reach his happiness.

“Breathes seeking me without seeing me”
You can hear the speaker breathing in and out, just thinking of how lucky he is to be close to the one he loves.

Figurative Language:
“While I untangle my worries as if they were twisted nets.”
This is a simile because it’s comparing worries to a tangled net using the word "as". This is important because it shows how at peace and relaxed he is with the love of his life.

"your heart sails through dream"
This is personification because a heart can't sail, only humans in a boat. This emphasizes how delighted he is to be a part of her life.

The tone of this poem is dreamy, this is true because the speaker is talking about how lucky he is to have someone like her in his life. He talks about how her heart sails through his dreams, it talks about how both of them are drawn into the light and that makes me think that they are both in a dreamy mood.

The theme of this poem is that it's a blessing to be able to share one's life with another. This theme fits this poem because all the speaker talks about how amazing it feels to have someone devoted to him close to him.


  1. I really like this poem. I do agree the speaker seems to be deeply in love. I really like the imagery and figurative language the speaker uses. The speaker talks as if they're overwhelmed and head over heels for this person. I don't disagree with any of this I don't think its a good job.

  2. I am in love with this poem. I really appreciate the beautiful figurative language that you mentioned. I agree with the dreamy tone that you stated. However, I also think one could view this poem as a rather jubilant or happy tone. I say this, because the author really portrays his joy for being in love and that someone is in love with him. I also agree with your theme statement, I would've written the exact same thing. Overall, I enjoyed choice in poem and I think your analysis was spot on.

  3. I am in love with this poem. I really appreciate the beautiful figurative language that you mentioned. I agree with the dreamy tone that you stated. However, I also think one could view this poem as a rather jubilant or happy tone. I say this, because the author really portrays his joy for being in love and that someone is in love with him. I also agree with your theme statement, I would've written the exact same thing. Overall, I your enjoyed choice in poem and I think your analysis was spot on.

  4. I am in love with this poem. I really appreciate the beautiful figurative language that you mentioned. I agree with the dreamy tone that you stated. However, I also think one could view this poem as a rather jubilant or happy tone. I say this, because the author really portrays his joy for being in love and that someone is in love with him. I also agree with your theme statement, I would've written the exact same thing. Overall, I enjoyed your choice in poem and I think your analysis was spot on.

  5. I am in love with this poem. I really appreciate the beautiful figurative language that you mentioned. I agree with the dreamy tone that you stated. However, I also think one could view this poem as a rather jubilant or happy tone. I say this, because the author really portrays his joy for being in love and that someone is in love with him. I also agree with your theme statement, I would've written the exact same thing. Overall, I enjoyed your choice in poem and I think your analysis was spot on.

  6. I think that this poem is very powerful.The reason I said this is because it sounds like the speaker and the other person have love for each other,But there love is strong which doesn't mean that they cant be together forever.It seams that they can stop anything that gets in there way together.

  7. I love the figurative language that was used in this poem it made it so imaginable. As well as the imagery that is used making it catch your attention more. I believe that the tone of the poem was set up by all the figurative language used making the tone southing and dreamy. I agree with the way you SIFTT this poem you hit the key points. You did a good job, and chose out a very nice poem.

  8. The amount figurative language and the format it's used in speaks volumes by itself. Its clear the two are deeply in love. Another brilliant part of this poem is the imagery. The imagery adds even more character and meaning to this poem. Definitely deserves a second read in the future.


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