Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The Sadness of the Moon by Charles Baudelaire

Charles Baudelaire Biography (Masterpieces of World Literature ...

-Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867) was born in Paris, France. He wrote controversial poems (ex. sex, death, metamorphosis, urban corruption, depression, etc.) which made him easily loved or hated by people. He studied law but hated it, so he drank and hired prostitutes a lot. 

  1. Speaker
-They are observing and are not involved. They compare the moon to a dying woman. They say the poet is doomed.
  1. Imagery
-”Upon her silken avalanche of down…” (sight, touch)
-”Earthward she lets a furtive tear-drop flow…” (touch)
-”Takes in his hollow hand the tear of snow…” (sight)
-”Whence gleams of iris and opal start…” (sight, describing tear drop)
  1. Figurative Language
-“...which rise like blossoms to the azure sky.” (simile)
-”The moon more indolently dreams to-night…” (personification)
-”And hides it from the Sun, deep in his heart.” (personification because of the capitalization)
  1. Tone
-The poem shows melancholy as the moon longs for attention. It also shows the want for relief because of its helplessness and loneliness.
  1. Theme
-One’s pain could be another’s will to go on.
-Loneliness could be the biggest burden for some.
  • Summary:
-The moon dreams as a dying woman would: helpless and not wanting anyone to see their suffering.

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